
Hayden7 Hayden Hanson Tunnel Vision by Jose Coli

Hayden Hanson was born in the early 1990?s in Western Colorado.  His parents are artists and music lovers and influenced Hayden early on to their musical tastes.  Hayden began playing guitar as soon as he could hold a guitar and he has been at it ever since.

Hayden and his family moved to the Seattle area when Hayden was a toddler and lived there for about 10 years where he was influenced by bands like The Presidents of USA,  Nirvana and Sublime.  Hayden took to Skateboarding and spent countless hours practicing and riding parks in the Northwest and competing all over the West coast. He first learned guitar much like his father Mike, just by playing and picking up songs by ear. His Mom Alicia sang to him in the mornings to wake him and also at night to go to sleep.

Hayden’s family moved from gray, wet, Seattle to the southern California surf town of San Clemente.  Hayden slipped into the Trestle’s surf community like he had been there his whole life.  His free time was now split between skating, surfing and punk rock.  Around the age of 11 Hayden began getting some formal guitar training over his summer break.  The guitar really seemed to take hold when during his 8th-grade year of middle school. Hayden had a great Spanish teacher  Mr. Hennings, who skateboarded, played guitar and surfed. He encouraged Hayden throughout the school year to sing (in Spanish) and play guitar in class.  This seemed to help push Hayden to the next level.  Hayden, his brothers, and family regularly attended punk rock shows, hot rod shows, and skating events all over Orange County, LA County and San Diego County.  Hayden started out playing punk rock music and writing music in journals around the house.  His music taste seemed to broaden to punk rock,  reggae and ska. With bands including 7 Seconds, Social Distortion, NoFX, Pepper, Slightly Stoopid and Operation Ivy.  He began playing with Southside neighbors and friends, together they started Tunnel Vision

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. Inspired by their love of the ocean and concrete waves. The band began to play more local venues around Southern California. The band started out playing venues from local bars, surf shops, parking lots, backyard bbqs, generator shows, house parties, to larger Venues including The Galaxy.  Hayden spends a majority of his time writing music and playing music with Tunnel Vision SC. He also contributes to another SC band called  Los Animal Style.  Hayden also plays and writes his own acoustic music. Hayden and his band Tunnel Vision have played with Pepper, and Slightly Stoopid.  They have also toured the US with The Expendables, Reel Big Fish, The Queers, Roots of Creation and Passafire. Hayden, Tunnel Vision, Tommy of Whiskey Barrel Records and Dela from Slightly Stoopid set a world record when they hiked to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and performed 3 songs live on top of the Mountain and set a world record for Highest Broadcast Live Performance and Dela set a world record for Highest Saxophone solo.

Hayden loves traveling, he has been on surf and skate trips across the US, with locales including, all up and down the West and East Coast, Hawaii, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Bali, China, Baja Mexico, Cabo San Lucas and France. Hayden and his band Tunnel Vision have toured the entire continental US.

Hayden Florida